Your oral health depends on various factors like, choosing the right toothbrush, brushing techniques and how often you do it. Poor dental care, could lead to dental infections that can cause serious problems. Read this article to clear your doubts about brushing your teeth.
For clean gums and teeth, proper brushing is essential. Make sure the toothbrush you use has soft bristles.
Dentists recommend brushing of teeth twice daily or after every meal. Make sure you don’t brush your teeth for more than 2-3 minutes. For keeping your teeth clean, brushing techniques should be followed, so that the enamel of the teeth is protected.
Many dentists recommend to change toothbrush once in three months. Toothbrush that is being used for a long period tends to contain germs that can cause problems like diarrhoea and skin infections. A toothbrush should be changed more frequently, say about once in 4-6 weeks. If you have cold or any viral infection, it is better to change your toothbrush, as germs may be transferred to your toothbrush. is a website that publishes information specifically focused on helping people to make right choices in their every day challenges. Living Smartly provides smart tips & insights that covers all aspects of daily living such as general health & dental health, philosophy, social skills, technology, wellness etc.