Preventive Tips About Dental Extraction – Stay Smiling

Have you wondered how you would look without all your teeth?

If you do not take good care of them, it will only be a matter of time before you will really see how you will look like without those pearly whites. It is a good thing that you can prevent this from happening. Here are some tips to prevent dental extraction.

  1. Regularly floss. Many people think brushing is enough, but it is unable to clean the small gaps between teeth. It also cannot remove food debris and plaque from sides of the back molars. Flossing can effectively clean the teeth from front to back.
  2. Drink water. Aside from washing away food debris and bacteria in the mouth, it also neutralizes the acidity that weakens the teeth. Rinse your mouth after your meals to get rid of food bits out of your mouth.
  3. Do not smoke. Smoking gives you bad breath and makes the teeth look yellowish. It also affects saliva production and makes you a mouth breather which can have a big effect on your dental health.
  4. Check your diet. Our teeth need good nutrition to properly develop and function. Eat a balanced diet that consists of vegetables, fruits and dairy, as well as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D.
  5. Limit acidic foods. Acid breaks down the tooth enamel, leading to cavity formation and tooth decay. It is hard to completely avoid acidic foods, but knowing which foods are can help you control your intake.
  6. Chew xylitol gum. Studies have shown that chewing xylitol gum helps reduce tooth decay and gum disease. Also, it has shown to promote saliva production and increase the mouth’s resistance to bacteria.
  7. Avoid teeth clenching. Grinding the teeth can lead to attrition, which is a kind of wear die to teeth-to-teeth contact. Clenching or grinding can expose the tooth dentin and cause severe tooth sensitivity.
  8. Never ignore symptoms. Discolored teeth, severe teeth sensitivity and bleeding gums can have underlying conditions. If you notice anything new and unusual to your gums or teeth, consult your dentist immediately.
  9. See your dentist regularly. Visit the dental clinic for check-ups twice a year to ensure dental health. If you develop an oral problem, your dentist can treat it early and prevent possible complications.

Follow the tips above and enjoy a healthy set of teeth that will not stop you from smiling. All these might seem like too big a job, but the payoffs are completely worth it. If you have any more questions about dental extraction and oral care, schedule an appointment with a reliable dentist in your area today.

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