How do you pick the right toothbrush for your oral health needs? Do you look into the color, bristles, or cost? All of these factors are important because you need to be encouraged to use it twice a day. Remember that you are brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, so you need to make it as enjoyable as possible. Below are some tips to help you get the best toothbrush experience.
Once the bristles of your brush starts to look frayed or worn, it is time for a new one. This mostly happens every three months. A worn-out brush is already ineffective in cleaning your teeth. It is also recommended that you replace your toothbrush after an illness because germs can still linger in it and can possibly make you sick again. If you cannot remember the last time you changed, it probably is time to get a new one.
Another thing to consider is getting a toothbrush with the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance. Manufacturers get this seal by producing scientific evidence that their product is safe and effective. The association evaluates the evidence in accordance to the objective guidelines set for toothbrushes. You can also consider color. Pick a color that you like to motivate you to brush twice a day.
The best toothbrush is the toothbrush that you will use. This means that it has a handle that comfortably fits in your hand,a head that feels comfortable in your mouth and is able to reach every tooth surface, and bristles that are soft enough to not hurt your gums. Talk to your dentist if you have any more questions about choosing the right toothbrush for you.