Picture this: you’re walking through the aisles of the supermarket, weighing the varied options for the pantry staples that you’re there to buy. The choice: organic products or regular, at practically every shelf. What should you choose? Is organic food really better for you? We certainly think so -- and here are five reasons why. But first, a little explanation of what ‘organic’ really means.
Organic refers to the way the produce is grown and processed: without toxic or synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, GMO ingredients, antibiotics or growth hormones, artificial flavours or preservatives, sewage slide or irradiation. In other words, these crops are gently and naturally grown, nurtured and harvested. But does that make them better?
The answer is YES. And here’s why:
1. More Nutrients: Studies indicate that organically grown and produced foods have more nutrients - specifically antioxidants.
2. Fewer Toxins: Repeated exposure to some of the more commonly used pesticides, through food, has been linked to health issues that range from development delays to poor sperm count. No pesticides or fertilizers means these toxins are eliminated from your diet.
3. No synthetic hormones or antibiotics: These can contribute to antibiotic resistance. So you’re definitely safer without them.
4. Better taste: Organically harvested crops are given more time to mature and as a result, taste better.
5. Better for the environment: Where conventional farming techniques strip the soil of its nutrients, organic practices preserve them. They also preserve more water in the soil so that less water is needed to grow the crops.
Simply put, organically grown food is kinder to you and to the environment. And when you buy organic products from brands such as Organic Tattva, the meal that makes it to your table is not just healthier, it’s tastier too!