Finding Your Tribe

Stay focused on your path by surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals.

Trading is easy; some say. But those that say it’s easy, never mention the elephant in the room; the psychological aspect of the business.

Finding likeminded individuals, your tribe, is highly underrated. Yes, we agree, trading in its purest form, is in fact easy, but that side of trading is never the problem for most newcomers. The problem most newcomers face, is treating trading as an actual business.

With the flood of lifestyle driven-social media “traders” pushing a false reality, there’s a significant misconception of what being a trader actually entails. Unfortunately, many fall victims to this level of marketing each and every day; but we assure you, trading is not what these clowns claim it to be.

The title of this article, Finding Your Tribe, could be used for many aspects of life. The saying, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn, sums this up best. When it comes to trading, your ‘tribe’ certainly plays a role in a trader’s performance.

Now, we’re not talking about following another trader. We are not talking about joining a trading chat room – which is just a breeding ground of bad habits. We’re actually not even talking about another trader at all. When we talk about, ‘Finding Your Tribe’, what we mean is to surround yourself with like-minded people. They could be in finance or in an entirely different industry; the key is to surround yourself with others that share your vision for success. Share your vision of discipline. Share you vision of focus. Share your vision of perseverance. Share your vision of will. Share your hunger for more!

We can’t tell you how crucial it is to your trading business to have like-minded people around you. Those that push you. Those that motivate you. Those that inspire you. Those that uplift you. Those that see in you what you see in yourself. These are the people that should be in your tribe.

The thing about our business, is it requires a high level of discipline to succeed. But this level of discipline is required to succeed in all businesses. Therefore, a trader can pull inspiration from anywhere. A trader’s tribe, as we like to call it, should be a diverse group of like-minded individuals all focused on personal growth.

Anyone that is not on the same path as you, should have no place in your tribe.

As you should already know, Trading Psychology is heavily focused on at The Street Trading. We understand that a large part of a trader’s battle is with himself. We also understand that to give ourselves the opportunity to be the very best traders we can be, our surroundings play a vital role in this journey. Therefore, we pay close attention to the people we keep in our lives.

We encourage serious traders that want to make this a career, to take a long hard look at the people around them. You may be surprised and find a few that may not be the best fit for your tribe. If this is the case, then you will be faced with some tough decisions to make. You will have to ask yourself some tough questions about what is truly important to you and make the necessary adjustments to make that a reality.

About The Street Trading

Consistently Profitable.

That's The Goal.

Start with a crystal-clear vision of where you’re headed, then effectively lay the foundation to reach that goal through a systematic process.

That's The Street Trading.

We provide a straight-forward, no-nonsense results-driven trading education, that cuts through the noise to teach new and existing traders on how the stock market truly operates.

Our attention is focused on building actionable knowledge about the markets from the ground up. We construct a foundation of the fundamentals behind consistently profitable trading that you can build a career on. Take the guess work out of trading and ultimately understand what moves the market to finally flow with the Street and Trade with Clarity.

Day Trading | Swing Trading | Position Trading - It all comes down to managing risk and market psychology.

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We look forward to joining you on your trading journey!

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