Why Are Top Explainer Video Companies So Vital Than Ever Before?

It is proven that an animated explainer video is a perfect resource to woo the customers to your website and convey the

Budget is very important to any business and to the tune of that, you need an affordable marketing tool that helps you to grow your business.

At this stage, it is the right step to adopt an animated explainer video for your marketing strategy. In the year 2020, it estimated the global market size of animated explainer video at USD 354.7 billion, and recently a study revealed that animated explainer video size would rock USD 642.5 billion by 2030.

The above indicates how the industry leverages the potential of an animated explainer video. Hence, Top Explainer Video Companies come into being.

Reasons to Opt For Explainer Video For Your Organization

It Demonstrates Problems and Solutions

Consumers are often looking for products and services that can solve their problems. In that case, an explainer video can help them to sort out their problems by demonstrating the problems' solutions.

Audiences are reluctant to wade through the complicated literature of the organization, and if the sales pitches are boring and long, there is every chance to move to other sites. The same sales pitch can be done by explainer video most innovatively and engagingly so that audience never feels demotivated. 

Enhanced Conversion Rates

73% of people are more likely to get interested in buying products or services when they come across an explainer video attached to the website.

 Embedding an animated explainer video on the landing page provides a seamless experience on the part of the audience, and in this process, it permits them to derive more information about the products and services of the respective brand,

  Augment Brand's Authority  

The charisma of animated video is that it has the potential to go viral on all digital platforms quickly, which helps significantly improve the visibility of the brand. 

It is proven that an animated explainer video consolidates your online presence greatly and improves SEO ranking and enough audience engagement.

Using colour them and build characters that can help users to identify your brand and indulge in storytelling that has the touch of a personalized script.

Favourable Return on Investment

Undoubtedly, an animated explainer video can draw the attention of the users and convert them to become the potential audience. It is unquestionably cost-effective, and you can get a handsome return on investment using this powerful resource. 

You can have the opportunity to calculate its performance, which helps to provide you with online statistics about it.


Video is ubiquitous, and it is a common practice for marketers. You can use video in every sphere of business activity like a webpage, conferences, events, etc. The most striking feature of it is that it can adjust to every device. 

Since most of the people of the world use mobile, maximum marketing growth comes from mobile. Therefore, it is a prudent idea that you should use an explainer video in your marketing strategy.   

Better Searching Ranking   

Google loves to have video and video content that helps the higher ranking. According to the study, it is 53% better ranking compared to text and images. Placing an explainer video on your landing page helps to improve your ranking significantly comes from organic search.

Competitive Edge   

In the digital generation, many organizations sell the same products to the same possible audience. Amidst the crowd of companies, it is a daunting task for any organization to steal a march over other competitors. 

At this crucial juncture, an animated explainer video acts as your saviour and helps you to go ahead of the curve. The more innovative and engaging the video, the more audiences are enticed. Consequently, there will be a strong bond with your target audience.

Good Means to Promote  

Video is one of the most preferred resources for business. You can put it on a webpage, social media, email, etc. Once the explainer video is in place, you can have the opportunity to repurpose it everywhere. An embedding explainer video on your landing page increases website traffic significantly and bodes well for your business growth.

Generates Emotions 

Human beings are emotionally driven, and the decision we take where emotion plays a critical role. 65% of the audiences are visual learners, and it is more cognitively viable if they present the information visually. 

On the other hand, the traditional way of promotional literature  and other resources hardly evoke emotion, let alone provide meaningful information. At this stage, animated explainer videos fill the gap. 

It provides information tinged with kindle emotions on the part of the users and makes it more mesmerizing using music and voiceovers. Therefore, hiring Top Explainer Video Companies are the right choice. 

Summing Up    

The Explainer video makes a strong brand authority and royalty to the brand and helps to retain returning consumers. Perchance is a great way to make a foundation and leads to an exciting business prospect. So, Top Explainer Video Companies is worth investing in. 

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