States With Australian Migration Program For Skilled Offshore Applicants

Australia is open to migration, and it has a special mention for offshore applicants.

Some states of Australia give sponsorship to applicants on some conditions including occupation listed under the occupation list with the critical skill set and staying onshore.

With the opportunity in a way of skilled migration program, for FY 2022-23 for onshore and offshore applicants, candidates having the dream to come and work in Australia can be true. Some of the states still have to give updates related to the acceptance criteria for the applications.

Recently, Australia has seen a demand for skilled migrants and so, one who fits the requirements can apply for the same. As per recent updates, applicants are advised to check and complete the skill assessment immediately and get the English Proficiency scores if they wanted to qualify for the sponsorship.

The list of states that are now accepting submissions from applicants outside from Australia is shown below.


With the recent program year, Victoria is now open for offshore and onshore applicants for subclass visas including 190 ad 491.

Check Your Eligibility

The occupations listed on the applicable DHA occupation list are suitable, and applicants are not required to have STEMM expertise or related work experience. With this, the candidates get the opportunity to be in Australia if listed under the DHA list including (Engineering, IT, Trades profile, or Accounting). Given are important eligibility points you need to consider:

  • The applicant must be under 45 years of age
  • Ensure that the candidate is living in Victoria
  • Must have the occupation on the DHA list of occupations.
  • Need to score at least 65 points.
  • Need to possess competitive English scores

Earlier, Victoria state used the permitted nominations from onshore candidates in Victoria whether working or staying in Victoria.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

The nominations for the Skilled Visa Australia for FY 2022–23 have been approved by ACT. 

There are about 2720 allocations superior to the allocated quota which was only 2000 for FY 2021-22. With recent updates, ACT has updated its occupation list where some of the occupations are added in and some are opted out. With renewal, there are 800 places for Subclass 190 and 1920 for Subclass 491.


Check Your Eligibility

  • The candidate must have three years of post-graduate experience in the profession being considered for Subclass 491 in order to qualify.
  • For your eligibility with Subclass 190, you need a job offer of 2 years.


Queensland is open with its migration program for the year 2022-23 for onshore and offshore applicants with Subclass 491 and Subclass 190 which is effective from August 16, 2022. Earlier, the state was accepting nominations from outside from onshore candidates and did not prefer offshore applicants. The recently announced list of occupations provides the opportunity to engineers, IT, and candidates with trade profiles.


Check Your Eligibility

  • The candidate must score at least 80 points for subclass 190 and 65 and higher points for Subclass 491.
  • The job profile must be listed under the Queensland occupation list and need t get the mandatory score list and sometimes more.
  • The candidate must have a minimum of 3 years of work experience post-study.


Tasmania state government presented the provincial allocation for FY 2022-23. The renewed quota is 3350. Presently, Tasmania is not open for onshore or offshore applicants but will be effective in the coming weeks.

Conclusion- Australia is the most preferred workspace preferred by skilled migrants. Australia has recently opened its doors for eligible candidates. The above-mentioned are the recent changes you can check to your eligibility. With the top allocation got by Victoria State, New South Wales (NSW), Western Australia (WA), and Queensland (QLD), there are new openings in Australia. For more information, you can contact Education Embassy which is a leading migration agent in Brisbane, Australia. We handled many applicants from the migrants and guided them throughout the process. For more information and details, you can contact us today!


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