The data science course covers various topics, from the technical building of models to philosophical and ethical issues like privacy and discrimination. The data science institute offers data science certification programs to students and conducts data science classes online and offline.
The studies and strategies in these books could be helpful for anyone who works with data.
Hartford breaks down the complicated web of statistics by giving 10 ways to look at data that consider biases and fill in knowledge gaps.
This book gives different points of view on the economy, sports, gender, and other things that are affected by numbers.
Wheelan explains basic ideas in statistics like inference, correlation, and regression analysis by making comparisons to popular culture and using language that is not too technical.
Noble researches how data discrimination happens in search engines like Google, which use biased algorithms that favour white people and hurt women of colour.
Eubanks looks at how data mining, policy algorithms, and predictive risk modelling hurt the working class and the poor more than they break other groups.
Benjamin researches to determine if the rise of automation may have played a significant role in racism and white supremacy. She calls her idea "The New Jim Code," The instructions that go with it look at how biased design makes society more unequal.
Perez looks at how data that doesn't take gender into account keep bias and discrimination against women alive in how society makes decisions about healthcare, education, and policy.
This book guides how feminism and data can be used together for social justice. The title of the book is Data Feminism. It shows how statistics can be used to eliminate systemic biases and improve things for people who are often hurt by skewed data.
Chang's expose of the "bro" culture in venture capital firms. Tech companies are not limited to data science, but it does show situations that women often face when they work in places where men are in charge.
This set of solutions is based on the new field of socially aware algorithm design, which was made in response to the growing number of privacy issues and basic human rights violations caused by technology that goes too far.
Dwork and Roth look at ways to analyze data that protect people's privacy and give an overview of the many problems and solutions related to people's privacy.
Zuboff says that surveillance capitalism is "a new economic system that uses people's experiences as free raw materials for extracting, predicting, and selling them in secret business operations."
In the first book in Bush's Product-Led series, readers will find real-world examples, email scripts, and answers to some of the most challenging business questions in product marketing.
The book by Nussbaumer Knaflic and the exercises that go with it is a complete guide to data visualization and the practice of showing information using data.
This book has nine lectures on different data science methods, such as linear programming, Nave Bayes classification, and using Excel spreadsheets to find outliers.