The cold recycling of asphalt concrete is a method of recycling asphalt that has been available for decades. An innovative application of this technique involves the construction of a small temporary plant site and disposal, reprocessing and transmit the asphalt all in one place. This technique is known as the Cold Central Plant Recycling.
However, sometimes the plant is constructed near the site if the area to be paved will not support a plant. This option consists of trucks to and from the site, with the associated environmental impact and cost. The more specific technical name for cold recycling facilities refers to the situation where a plant can be built on site. This article lists the benefits of cold recycling facilities over other traditional paving options.
Significantly reduces costs
1. Experience has shown that the cost of Cold On-Site Recycling is less expensive than conventional paving methods.
2. To begin with, all or most of the material needed is in place, so that the total cost of the new asphalt is quite less. Often, the only new purchase necessary equipment is the layer of hot mix asphalt.
3. Because the material is recycled in place, much less number of sets of trucks required.
4. No dump fees for recycling asphalt concrete.
5. Labor costs are reduced significantly due to the short duration of the project.
In August 2008 Cold On- Site Recycling was used to repave a portion of the Vintage Trade Fair in Modesto, CA. The estimated cost to pave this mall using traditional milling and paving was $ 1.8 million. He took the job in using cold recycling facilities was $ 1.2 million, for a real cost savings $ 600,000.
The process of in situ cold recycling removes only the top 2-4 inches of asphalt concrete. Remove and replace traditional methods take not only the asphalt, but the rock and, potentially, some of the layers of soil and replaced. Because this is not necessary, in the course of the sub grade is in good condition, do not need to take the time (and spend money) to replace the rock and prepare the soil, resulting in shorter stop. Another advantage that both cold facilities and methods Plant Central - cold recycling is that if there are problems of sub -base asphalt pavement can still be removed and stored on site. Then, the failed base section areas can be repaired before recycling asphalt concrete placement recovered.
One concern often raised with recycling is the quality of the recycled product, cold asphalt recycling has different properties "virgin" hot mix. On a structural basis, CALTRANS Cold Recycled Asphalt assigned a ' Gravel Equivalency Factor ' 1.7, while for most Hot Mix Asphalt ( " HMA " ) gravel Factor is 2.0 . Often in the field this results in a slightly thicker section when using cold recycled asphalt. For example , if the design requires 4 "section of CA and the owner wants to replace cold recycling by section , asphalt then make a normal change is 3 " of asphalt cold recycling on - set by 1.5 ' HMA . Outcome 4.5" section is structurally equivalent to 4 " HMA. But, because the processing of asphalt cold recycling has a different internal structure and the new section is a two-layer system, the pavement is more resistant to thermal and reflective cracking.
Saving energy and reducing emissions of Green House
Due to the large reduction in number of sets of trucks and the use of recycled asphalt, the need for petroleum-based products is significantly reduced. In addition, greenhouse gas emissions are significantly lower. A study conducted by Dr. Arpad Horvath , University of California at Berkeley for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation determined that emissions of greenhouse gases by cold in place recycling were half to a third of rehabilitation techniques traditional (100mm and 130mm mill hot - mix asphalt ).
The company has a growing awareness of and desire to mitigate the negative impacts of their actions on the planet. Cold recycling, if available, epitomizes the progress of the paving industry is doing to contribute to global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint. In addition, in the future, there should be a cap and trade restrictions imposed on the paving industry, cold recycling should not contribute to the need for the company to limit its greenhouse gas emissions.
Potential LEED Credits
In the same vein , the use of cold recycling facilities LEEDS credits potentially contribute to a great renovation project, if the / general contractor owner elect to obtain LEEDS certification. Specific areas of potential credits include MR 2.1 and 2.2 ( Construction Waste Management : Divert removal ) , MR 3.1 and 3.2 ( Materials Reuse ) , MR 4.1 and 4.2 ( Recycled Content ) and MR 5.1 and 5.2 ( Regional Materials extracted, processed and manufactured in the region ).
Sustainability: The preservation of virgin materials and reducing landfill
The asphalt and aggregate are non-renewable resources and as such the ability to reuse existing asphalt concrete is a benefit both in terms of sustainability and cost savings. In addition, some of our best aggregates are in place. Cold recycling asphalt is composed largely of aggregates and binder engineering already in place. Material recycling in place preserves owned assets today for the owner.
In conclusion, the benefits of cold recycling facilities warrant consideration as an option for resurfacing large areas. It's an interesting adaptation of a proven method of recycling that can generate significant savings in labor and materials, and to greatly reduce the negative impact of a project on the environment.
Shitla Road Equipments is an asphalt drum mix plants manufacturer and Road Construction machinery company services provides bitumen pressure distributor.