A mere couple of decades in the past, talking to robots like Siri and Alexa was something you'd only see in sci-fi movies. But now, it's a part of our everyday lives. When we want to find a nearby pharmacy, or want to discover a local gym, or even book a spa day, we just ask for our voice-activated devices. We use them so much that they've become a normal way to search for things online.
However, there's a trick to it: when we talk to our devices, we don't use the same words as when we type on a keyboard. So, if you run an online store, it's important to understand how voice search works and how to make it work for your business. In this blog, we'll explain the basics of Voice Search SEO for E-Commerce and how it can help your online store succeed.
Voice commands and searches are booming. In 2020, lots of people bought smart speakers—over 150 million! Many folks aged 25-49 use voice devices every day (65%), and nearly a third of web searches happened without screens. This has big implications for e-commerce.
Optimizing for voice search is no............(Read More)