What Is An Energy Audit In The Environment?

Audit energy water environment helps identify inefficiencies and improve the resources in a better way.

Energy audit is inspection, survey and analysis of energy flow in a building undertaken for the purpose of energy conservation. Environmental and energy audit is a re-evaluation of energy management of available resources in such a way that environment is protected and conserved along with necessary utilization of resources. Audit energy water environment helps identify inefficiencies and improve the resources in a better way. 

Audit energy water environment helps identify inefficiencies and improve the resources in a better way.

Energy audit

This is a review of a company’s energy consumption, utility, systems and processes to identify areas of waste and improve efficiency. Operational costs and carbon emissions are reduced by these audits for an organization or building

Environmental audit

Environment audit is a systematically documents and periodically assed act on organisational activities and services, so compliance are made with relevant demands or requirements.

Audit energy water environment helps identify inefficiencies and improve the resources in a better way.

Environmental audit of water

Auditing environment water is a process conducted for testing water. This typically involves:

  • Wastewater sample collection on the site by trained auditors
  • It includes water sample taken before treatment, influent water and effluent water
  • The test and audit is conducted based on substances that are restricted and listed by proper authorities
  • Verification process carried out to determine the source of restricted substances in the water if present

Green audit

Green audit is an inspection process conducted by trained auditors to determine whether the institution in contention is following eco-friendly and sustainable practices. In this way resources will be used efficiently and waste is handled in the prescribed manner.

Life cycle assessment (LCA)

This is a method deployed to assess the impact the product or service have on the environment. This is done after testing and analyzing the entire production process of an organisation. In this way it will be ensured that the policy makers adopt more efficient sustainable strategies.

Climate changing house gases or greenhouse gases are gasses that absorb heat from atmosphere and substantially contribute to global warming and climate changes. Some of the house gases would include

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

This gas is responsible for considerable global warming and it is the major contributor for global warming. In 2020 it reached the level of above 48% on Pre-industrial levels. Emission of CO2 is attributed to natural respiratory process like human breathing, industrial processes volcanic eruptions etc.


It is more powerful than CO2 but it remains in the atmosphere for short durations. The gas is released through natural decomposition but landfill activities by human, waste water treatment processes and the production of natural gas and crude oil also produce methane gas in the atmosphere.

Audit energy water environment helps identify inefficiencies and improve the resources in a better way.

Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide is in the climate changing house gases and it is accumulated in the atmosphere over decades or centuries. Use of fertilizers, biomass burning and fossil fuel compositions are responsible for producing nitrous oxide. Its life span in the atmosphere can be considerably long.

Water vapour, per fluorocarbons, hydro fluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride are other gases contributing to atmospheric and environmental pollutions.

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