Is the sound of your air conditioner disrupting your convenience? Do you feel annoyed by it at night when all you require is silence for a good night’s sleep? No worries! You are not the only one!
Many people find AC sounds irritating and would do anything to provide some relief to their ears.
And it is not only psychological. Believe it or not, being exposed to loud sounds regularly can damage your hearing ability.
Why is loud AC sound not good for you?
While some might say getting concerned about AC sound is meaningless, there is proof that loud and persistent noises can permanently impair your hearing.
Loud noise can damage the cells of the internal ear. The worst part is that damage to the internal ear cell is generally permanent.
Regular Air condition sounds vs. Performance problems
Your air conditioner can create an assortment of sounds. Some noises might entail a deep performance problem. On the contrary, some air condition sounds, although irritating, are completely harmless.
As a thumb rule, a hum or a steady blowing sound should not be your reason of worry. Nonetheless, if you hear any bubbling, whistling or banging noises, it is time to look for an air conditioner sound barrier.
Right sound level of air conditioner
An average conversation creates a sound level of almost 40-60 decibels. This should feel same like serene library sounds or like the sound of an electric toothbrush. Most people don’t want their air conditioners to be louder than an average conversation. Therefore, you should aim for the sound level of your air conditioner to be around 40-60 decibels maximum. A serene air conditioner has a sound level below 40 decibels.
How to lessen the sound level of an air conditioner?
If your unit is not the most silent one and you are planning to lessen its sound level, look no further.
Here are some realistic tips to lessen the sounds of an air conditioner:
1. Select the best location for installation
If you are planning to install a new HVAC unit, consult a professional to choose the best location. For utmost sound reduction, make the contractor install it away from bedrooms and rooms you use often.
2. Invest in a contemporary unit
All air conditioners will create some sound. Nonetheless, the older the unit is, the louder it will be. New air conditioners are meant to be as silent as possible. While looking for a new unit, ductless air conditioners are worth considering. Ductless air conditioners are substantially less loud in respect to other types of air conditioners.
If you apply even some of these tips, it is undeniable that your air conditioner will be much serene than before. Once your air conditioner sound is at minimum, you will definitely be able to enjoy a better night’s sleep.