Manageengine Launches Its Cloud-native Identity Platform To Address Workforce Iam Challenges

ManageEngine, the enterprise IT management division of Zoho Corporation

ManageEngine, the enterprise IT management division of Zoho Corporation, has recently launched Identity360, a cloud-native identity management platform designed to address the complexities of identity and access management (IAM) within enterprise workforces. This announcement was made in conjunction with the addition of access certification and identity risk assessment functions to ADManager Plus, ManageEngine's on-premises identity governance and administration (IGA) solution. These enhancements aim to improve compliance and security within organizations.

Identity management is becoming increasingly critical as workforces evolve digitally and incorporate various technologies to enhance productivity and efficiency. Organizations are eager to enable workforce mobility without compromising security, making effective identity management and regulatory compliance essential, all while prioritizing a seamless user experience.

Identity360, ManageEngine's new platform, is a centralized solution that integrates directories and applications to simplify user identity management. It enforces access controls across integrated entities and provides end-to-end identity lifecycle management with workflow orchestration, empowering organizations to optimize their business processes.

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