In United Kingdom the National Health Service has been placed since the year 1948, under the NHS every citizen or the temporary citizen of the England is provided almost free of cost health services. However every one cannot qualify for the NHS program this is the reason peoples opt for the private medical insurance UK, some employers are also providing the private medical insurance UK other than the national health services. Peoples might use the private health insurance as supplementary to the national health system.
Choice of selection
Under the rules and regulations of national health system the individual must have to register him or herself with GP or the general Practitioner. However earlier in 2008 the persons with private medical insurance UK can chose their own choice of treatment and their own selection related to their health situation; however this is not valid in national health system. There is little restriction as well to choose the GPs; one cannot choose the general Practitioner unless they lived within certain distance from your home town. These restrictions are also valid for the choice of hospital however except the sever case like emergency care, urgent care, mental health and maternity health care services.
Waiting list
The persons having the national health system are usually put into the waiting list for general prescriptions and for the non emergency hospital procedures, while in case of the private medical insurance UK typically don’t. The expected and average duration of general hospitalization in the NHS system requires a period of eight weeks. For the diagnostic tests it requires two weeks duration.
When we compare the NHS with private medical insurance UK, the NHS is little ahead in the terms of coverage. The NHS May covers the conditions like preexisting conditions, long-term incurable illness and the GP service, these services are usually not provided in the private medical insurance. S matter of fact the NHS is good for the long term and incurable disease, but in case of short term duration illness it requires lot of time and other things, while the private insurance coverage usually provide you the best results for the curable and short term injury or illness.
Filling claim
In private medical insurance UK it is required to get the referral from the general Practitioner. However in case of NHS there is no referral required and there are no claims are involved if you are member of NHS. The best things regarding to the private health care insurance coverage is that the patients can get the desirable accommodation and service and can go to any private hospitals. Additionally the person is given with the luxury facility like private room having the facilities of television and effective reception services.
Maria Chandraker worked in Business development at OS Digital a digital marketing company agency in Delhi, specialize in Bulk SMS, and PPC, voice call, DLT registration, SEO, SMO, Facebook Ad and other paid advertising service in India as well as International.