Purpose Of Legal Metrology Department

Here we are going to discuss the purpose of legal metrology department which are as follows:


As we all are aware the Legal Metrology department plays a very important role to make the people comply with the rules and regulations of the legal metrology act. In all the states of our country, we have various legal metrology offices located at and in those several legal metrology offices the proper trained Legal Metrology officers are posted by the Legal Metrology department. However the head office of the legal metrology department is located in New Delhi and it fulfils the various purposes of the Legal Metrology act. Here we are going to discuss the purpose of legal metrology department which are as follows:

The main purpose of Legal Metrology department is to govern the laws set for measurement that have to be precise in regards to the following:

  • The instrument used for measurements,
  • Actual measurements
  • Measuring framework, or
  • Reference material of instruments that are basically required for characterization, moderation, intimation of a unit of measurement, or an acknowledgment.

The purpose of the Legal Metrology department is also the maintenance of uniformity, proper governance, and accuracy. For such purposes the Legal Metrology department was established in India by the ministry of earth science and the Government of India. (Read also: How Does Legal Metrology Help Society?)

The purpose of the act is the measurement which is applicable for multiple necessities such as the followings:

  1. Measurement of food being sold in the market,
  2. Measurement of distance,
  3. Measurement of temperature,
  4. Measurement regarding the commotion in the working environment,
  5. The volume of fuel being consumed by the vehicle,
  6. Other machinery etc.

It is also used to measure the unit for the amount of reference of mass provided with this specific barrel-shaped structure for the purpose of measurement of a kilogram. However, it is also accepted as a worldwide principle.

Also, there's a purpose to the unit of amount for the reference of length which is provided with a specific structure by the progression of measurement required for addressing the required qualities.

Legal Metrology Department for Society  

  1. The Legal Metrology Department and the Legal Metrology act plays a very important role in society and here we are going to discuss the functions of the Legal Metrology department and its duties towards the citizens of the country.

  2. The department of legal metrology helps in maintaining the calibration of accurate medical devices as well as farmer products which assist in the correct diagnosis which are needed for the required medical treatment.

  3. It is also used for the calibration of chemical biological testing conducted for various food products which are directly going to be consumed by the citizens of the country.

  4. The department of legal metrology is an established body that assists in maintaining precautions for the consumer from unethical vendors, sellers or traders in accordance with the enforced legal metrology Act 2009 and legal metrology Packaged commodities rules 2011.

  5. Any person being an offender or the violator of rules and laws of legal metrology will be punished with a fine under the standards of weights and measures enforcement act 1985 and legal metrology Act 2009 and legal metrology packaged commodity rules 2011, Also he may be sentenced to the imprisonment or both.

Read also: Legal Metrology for Measurement Infrastructure

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