Ptosis describes a condition whereby the upper eyelid droops, and this could lead to one’s vision being partially or completely blocked. This condition can be congenital or caused by accident. More so, it can develop as a result of advanced age. It is important to state here that ptosis evolves as the muscles responsible for the (normal) elevation of the eyelid weakens – due to an underlying condition. Apart from the field of vision being reduced, a patient having ptosis may also experience aching eyebrow, dryness in the eye, and fatigued eyes. To restore visual functionality after having ptosis, oculoplastic surgeon in Mumbai often recommend ptosis surgery for patients. This procedure is the most effective and guaranteed means of taking care of drooping upper eyelid. In case you are searching for an oculoplastic surgeon to treat your ptosis, you need not look further any longer. Dr. Debraj Shome of The Esthetic Clinics is a highly revered specialist in ptosis surgery and other reconstructive procedures.
Pre-ptosis surgery considerations
An initial consultation with the oculoplastic surgeon is the first port of call when it comes to preparing for ptosis surgery. This avails the surgeon the opportunity to thoroughly assess your condition, and draw out an effective treatment plan. Moreover, during this session, you will be further enlightened about the procedure, with the specialist letting you know the complications involved and what you need to do, as well as the things you have to avoid both before and after surgery. A date will eventually be set for your surgery at the end of this consultation/assessment session.
The Procedure
Before discussing the steps involved in ptosis surgery, it’s worth noting that different approaches can be taken in achieving the objective of the surgery, but the overarching goal is the same – tightening the muscle responsible for the droopiness. That said, a surgeon may choose to treat ptosis using any of the following techniques: mullerectomy, frontalis sling, Whitnall sling, or levator resection and advancement.
Let us, however, beam some light on the latter – levator resection and advancement. This, like others, is always performed under local anaesthesia. The surgeon will then incise along the upper eyelid’s natural crease to reach the levator muscle. Thereafter, stitches will be applied to secure the levator muscle to the eyelid thereby restoring the structural and functional prominence of your eyes.
How long does it take to complete ptosis surgery?
The surgery should be completed in about 45 minutes if it is only one of the upper eyelids that is affected. This means you will have to spend approximately one-and-half hours in the operating room in the instance where the two eyelids are involved.
Best Ptosis Surgeon in India Experiencing swelling is not unusual after having ptosis surgery; so, you should have some cold pack over your eyelid and also have your head elevated while sleeping – you may need to use two pillows in this respect. Additionally, you must avoid doing any strenuous activity or workouts for the next couple of weeks. The consumption of alcohol and smoking should also be struck out of your routine list, even as you use the medications that might have been prescribed by the surgeons religiously.