Best Oculoplastic Eyelid Surgeon In Mumbai

The Esthetic Clinics in India, board-certified surgeons can assess your condition before recommending the best solution

Important Considerations to Think Of Before an Oculoplastic Surgery

Your eyes indeed have a major impact on the general appearance of your face. The eyes not only help in expression but also communication, especially where non-verbal cues are required. This is why droopy eyelids affect the quality of vision one enjoys besides their ability to communicate effectively. To correct a droopy eyelid, you should check out a professional oculoplastic surgeon in India for guidance on the procedure. At The Esthetic Clinics in India, board-certified surgeons can assess your condition before recommending the best solution moving forward. Here are some factors you will have to consider before scheduling an oculoplastic surgery with them today.


Credentials come first

There are several clinics you can check out when looking for an oculoplastic surgeon. To make your work easier, focus on the credentials of the experts you can shortlist. All doctors have to undergo rigorous training before becoming board certified and being allowed to practice in India. It is therefore to ask for the relevant credentials of the surgeon before settling to use them. You can furthermore assess their communication skills, testimonials, and experience in the field before making your choice.

Have realistic expectation find the best oculoplastic surgeon in Mumbai

Have you asked your surgeon for before and after pictures of their previous clients? You need to get a perspective of the results you will get once the procedure has been successful. The pictures help you to have a realistic expectation of how you will look after the procedure. Remember an oculoplastic surgeon can improve how you look but not change your facial appearance. You must maintain realistic expectations, especially after consultations with the right cosmetic clinic for the procedure.

Avoid contact with your eyes

Eye surgeries are not complicated and one should be able to resume normal operations within the first week after the procedure. It is normal to feel itchy around the eyes however at no point should you scratch to rid the itch. Touching the area with incision whether with bare hands or makeup could be detrimental to the recovery process as the risk of infection is amplified. The less contact done around the area, the faster the recovery window will be for you to resume your daily schedules later on with ease.

Results take time to focus on recovery

Droopy eyelid is one of the challenges corrected by Dr. Rinky Kapoor at The Esthetic Clinics. Patients desire a youthful look after the procedure however all that takes time. You must give yourself time to fully recover from the incisions made on your face. The results will not manifest immediately until later on which could be six to twelve months from the time of the procedure. Successful oculoplastic surgery will have effective results in making you look younger for some time before you again become vulnerable to aging signs.

Check reviews

When looking for a quality cosmetic surgery clinic in India, you will have to compare different options before choosing the right one. The ideal way to find merit-based clinics is to focus on the quality of reviews they have from their clients. Top-quality cosmetic procedures with successful results warrant positive testimonials from patients. This will help boost your confidence in the medical team assigned to you along with the clinic of choice. If you however find negative testimonials on their website, skip the clinic and check out the next potential candidate with satisfactory testimonials.

Oculoplasty Surgery Cost in Mumbai

Before you sign up to undergo an oculoplastic surgery, you have to research the procedure and the risks involved. Dr. Rinky Kapoor from The Esthetic Clinics will guide you through the relevant details ranging from oculoplastic surgery costs to recovery. It is upon you to take your time and find the most qualified clinic to use.

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