Since bike touring and commute is registering an unprecedented appreciation and demand among travellers and riders across the world, it might be the right time to talk a little about its related accessories as well. In this write-up, we will be discussing a few basics about selecting a bike pannier. Here is all you need to know:
- The first thing that you need to check is the fixation pattern of the pannier. Usually, panners are made to fit on the rear end of the bike or a pannier rack. But there are some that can also fit the front end. Depending on your requirement, you can avail a single or a double pannier. The usual parameter of capacity is litres for these accessories. The point to remember here is that the real capacity of a pannier is a bit lesser than the stated capacity. So, if the maker mentions 50 litres capacity, you can assume that the available storage will be around 40 litres.
- Waterproofing is the next thing that you need to give look to. It doesn’t matter if you are taking the bike out on a hot day or a rainy day, waterproofing always comes in handy for various purposes. For the best quality, you can always check out Ortlieb bike panniers. Make sure you don’t confuse water repellency with waterproofing. The two are totally different and distinct features and in the case of bike usage waterproofing takes higher preference over water repellence.
- Apart from the above two, you also need to focus on the weight of the pannier. A good waterproof bag also needs to be lightweight with the needed capacity and decent durability. No point in wasting your money on something that aces in all segments except for durability. Make sure you check out the best and mid-end brands to narrow down the most suitable options.