Tips to Cleaning Your Car

There is nothing nicer than riding in a nice clean car.

There is nothing nicer than riding in a nice clean car. When the interior and exterior of the vehicle maintains a pristine look, the car can look and feel as good as new. The problem that so many car owners have, is they might not be able to keep their car as clean as they would like. This is not because they are lazy or disregarding of their vehicle, rather, they may not know where or how to start.

Keeping a car clean is rather easy as long as a number of basic tips are followed.

Probably the most important and basic tips for having a clean car is not to let too much time go by in between cleanings. The more time that passes, the more dust and dirt collects on the interior and the exterior. All that debris tracked in from the driver's shoes really can make a massively collective mess over time. Dirt kicked up from the highway can do the same as well. Cleaning out the car and washing it down with a house once a week and taking it to a professional car wash once every three weeks is a much better plan than allowing several months to go by without any cleaning being done at all.

Washing the car at home is a four step process. The first is rinsing it off with a hose. The second is taking a sponge mitt, putting the mitt in a bucket of soap and water, and then scrubbing the car down from top to bottom. No one has to be harsh with washing the car, but a bit of elbow grease and effort should be put into the process so it delivers the desired results. Once the washing is done, then the vehicle must be rinsed off with the hose a second time. All the soap on the car should be gone during this step. Afterwards, the car must be thoroughly dried off. This last step is sometimes overlooked and that is an unfortunate mistake. When a car air dries it can be left with spots. Wiping the vehicle down can eliminate such a result.

Investing in a compressed air blower is also recommended. The blower will kick up dirt and dust out of the carpeting and upholstery increasing the ability to vacuum.

An electrostatic dust cloth can be the perfect accessory for cleaning off the dash, vinyl, and knobs. Once these surfaces are gone over with the dust cloth, using a damp towel with a cleaning solution for the second round is recommended.

For the windows, using a microfiber cloth might be the better option since it is not prone to causing streaks. Clean all the windows including the front, rear, and sides. In addition, roll down the windows and wipe away at the top as this segment of the window can end up being grimy.

Spray a tire cleaner on the tire and the wheel. Do not use a cleaner that has acid compounds in it. The acid based cleaners can cause long term damage to the wheel alloy. The same is true of detergents. Never use detergents. Instead, clean the wheels with a degreaser.

A little preventive maintenance helps. Never allow a lot of junk and trash to collect in the car. A huge mistake many make is they use the trunk and, worse, the back seat as a storage bin. Piling too many belongings in the car creates massive clutter that can be hard to clear out. Allowing trash to collect in the car can be utterly disastrous. Old soda cans, fast food bags, and such things should be moved to the recycle bin or trash can immediately and not be allowed to collect. Also, if anything spills inside the car, clean it up right away.

Anyone who wants a really clean car is going to have to work on such a result. The effort is going to be worth it though. Owning a clean car is like owning one that just rolled off the showroom, fresh and sparkling.

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