How To Fix Coolant Leaks In Your Car?

We have mentioned places of coolant leaks. Please read them and understand how you can fix them.

Is your car not working smoothly the way it was working earlier? Then you might have a coolant leak in your car's engine. These leaks can be developed by many different factors within your car’s engine. To find the root cause, contact your mechanic, and also don’t drive your car until you fix this leak.

Coolant leak is not a big issue but when you ignore fixing such leaks in your car, it causes major issues or faults in your car. We recommend you fix such issues soon in your car. Otherwise, you may require replacing the entire part with new or used engines. In this article, we have mentioned places of coolant leaks. Please read them and understand how you can fix them.

Places where you may have coolant leaking in your car:

Water pump — A wicked shaft seal will allow coolant to drop out of the vent hole just under the water pump pulley shaft. A water pump is a two-piece unit with a backing plate. Sometimes the gasket between the housing and back cover may start leaking. So, whenever you see coolant leaking from the engine, bring your car to the nearest workshop for routine check-ups. When you delay checking engine coolant leaks, other parts start damaging early and you need to change the entire unit with a new or used car engines to save money.

Radiator — Due to high vibration, radiators can develop leaks around upper or lower hose connections. Other than this, the seams where the core is mated to the end tanks are another place where leaks develop frequently. Leaks typically occur where the core is connected to the core headers, on copper or brass radiators. Coolant leaks are generally caused due to old coolant that has never been changed. So, consider changing engine coolant after a certain time otherwise you may need to look for used car engines for sale to replace the old existing unit in the USA.

Hoses — Splits in a radiator hose, cracks, or pinholes can leak coolant. A loose hose clamp or a rusted hose connection may also allow coolant to leak from the end of a hose. So, you need to service your car’s engine once a year to smoothen the engine's internal parts. Otherwise, it can cause other technical issues and sometimes leads you to buy a new or rebuilt engine in Houston

Freeze plugs — these are the expansion plugs on the sides of the engine block. The flat steel plugs corroded from the inside out and may cause leaks that are hard to see. Some vehicles have V6 and V8 blocks where freeze plugs are easily inspected from underneath the vehicle.


Your car’s coolant system is designed to overcome the excessive heat which is produced by your car’s engine so. Any leak within this closed system can cause extensive damage to the entire engine. If in case you find any leak from the engine hood then plan for a leak detection test.

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