Going to a concert is a great experience and a great way to experience music in the way it was designed to be enjoyed. At the same time it's also a great experience in itself - a fun opportunity to have a dance and a boogie, and also a great atmosphere and chance to meet people.
But to really enjoy your concerts you should know how to get the most from the experience. Here we will look at some tips to help you ensure that your next concert is a real success.
Be Open Minded
First of all, don't just go to the concerts you are familiar with, or assume that a band won't be any good because you haven't heard of them... some of the very best concerts are those that you know nothing about and this way you can discover something new that you might enjoy and at the same time be on the cutting edge so that you're enjoying music that perhaps isn't so mainstream yet. Go to concerts not just for the bands, but for the experience - and try to experience as many as possible.
If you have the option to stand at the front when you're watching the band perform then you should always take this opportunity. This way you'll be up and close to the action and you'll get to see more of what's going on, but at the same time you'll also be able to dance more and to experience a better atmosphere. If the players crowdsurf or throw something into the audience, then you'll be right there and involved.
Pack and Dress Sensibly
This might sound obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people miss this one. Bear in mind if you're standing that you're going to have to do so wearing the things you came in or holding anything you brought and this can potentially prevent you from enjoying yourself/lead to something getting damaged. If you wear glasses then swap these for contacts, and if you have a spare phone then bring it.
Talk to People
Music creates culture and it brings people together. If you enjoy the music you're watching then chances are that there are lots of like minded people here and all of them are going to be in a good mood - so strike up a conversation and you'll have even more of a good experience. You can also have a chat at the bar, or while you're in the queue to get in.
Have Some Drinks
The cost of drinks at concerts are often a little high, but this is an expense that's nevertheless worth paying as it will help you to lose yourself more and to get even more fun from the experience.
Consider Transport Well in Advance
Concerts tend to finish late, and when you leave people will flood out all at once. Make sure then that you've considered this and planned accordingly - though you can often save yourself a lot of hassle if you wait for a bit before heading back and then get a taxi so that you can have a drink and avoid missing the last train.
Mason Matthew works at Tizzet, for more information about their products and services click here