The audio tracks created by Sullivan Brill are simple yet entertaining, informative, and charming. A seasoned mail clerk, and carrier who has worked in the postal service in Portland, OR, vividly paints the picture of what unfolds in the postal world. There is no better person to inform you on these least known and yet powerful mailman stories. Brill could have written a book on this but as he himself points out, audio was the best way to express his thoughts, words, and feelings from the standpoint of an experienced postman.
The musical sounds, poetic words, and creativity bring the message home and undoubtedly make this one of the best post office fun of all time. The audio pieces and videos are all available in WordPress, which makes it easy for almost everyone to access and use them. Besides, the cartoon shorts are available for download freely. One of the most entertaining pieces is the Graffiti letter, which is all about the elderly care home.
One of the most forgotten aspects in life is that of showing care to the elderly. No better place is conducive for the manifestation of the elderly care than the elderly care home. Not many people understand what care the elderly require and that is why this piece comes in handy to educate everyone out there. Being exposed through mail delivery, Brill is intuitive and understanding of the elderly and can thus better explain what it means to have an elderly care home and what should revolve around it.
The Graffiti letter is possibly one of those audio tracks that have utilized poetry and other styles that will not make you want to stop when you start listening. Full of powerful words about the elderly care home, as you listen to this audio, you cannot help but visualize walking with the composer to the elderly care home and opening the mailboxes for them. This leaves you with the feeling that the creator of this piece is not only an experienced postal professional but also an outstanding poet who chooses his words carefully to pass across a compelling point.
Of course, not many people will afford to stop for a while and ponder the true meaning behind the words used by the composer. Such people have hurried lives and may not have given much thought as far as taking care of the elderly is concerned. The thought to show care and concern to the elderly through the elderly care home is all graffiti to such minds. However, to a keen mind, the flow of these words will make you stop for a minute and think about the elderly and the need to have an elderly care home that matters.
Of course, the power behind this audio will not hit you accordingly if you are not composed. This is just one of the audio tracks that have been released by Brill. There are several others that are aimed at entertaining and informing you more regarding the postal service. All of those tracks that you should not forget to listen to are included in Letter, Lens, Looking Glass: A Portland Postman's Radio Cartoon.
Sullivan Brill is the author of this article on Post Office Fun. Find more information, about Bathroom Break here