If you want to advertise your product or service, a text ad can be very effective. A text ad is similar to a classified ad on newspaper with significant improvements for the digital age. Often, it is displayed on search results when people type in a query into a search engine. That is search advertising. For example, if you search for a phone, you can find ads from compatible wireless carriers. Another common placement for text ads are on web pages with matching content. There are ad servers with a feature called contextual advertising that can place text ads based on the content of a viewing page. For example, when you view a page that reviews the best phones, you might see ads for those phones on sale. Therefore, it is important to create a text advertisement that is effective by keeping these factors in mind:
It pays to create a text ad which has a brief and concise content. You should also think of placing snack-sized content and also ensure to provide a strong call- to-action. You should also emphasis on one call-to-action per ad. If you have multiple call-to-actions in your ad then it can confuse potential customers and your click-through rate will suffer. In the end, remember that long advertisements in text form can push your customers to look elsewhere because it's too long and wordy.
Make use of a headline that sells
When you setup your text advertisement in an ad server, it is necessary that you put more effort to write a creative and unique headline. It will ultimately be your headline that will grab attention and contribute to the success of your text advertisement.
Make use of strong keywords
For your ads, you should make sure that you use the right keywords that are strongly associated with the product or service. First, it helps your buyers find and relate to the ad easily. Second, the ad server will be able to serve it to the right audience via contextual or keyword targeting.
Choose the right color and font
This is why it is necessary for you to know your targeted audiences before you finalize the color and font for your text ad. You should therefore be careful on making a proper selection from the given color palettes. You should select color and font that are easy to read and view on different devices and screen sizes. The text color should be compatible with the background color of your website or landing page. The design of your ad should be simple and yet attractive. If possible, you could also use some pictures or photos with the text to make it more visual and attractive.
AdSpeed Adserver is a reliable and powerful ad serving and ad management solution that serves your ads, track impressions, clicks, and report ad statistics in real-time. Driven by the changing needs, Ad manager continues to develop more innovative features and to offer a wide-range of advertising services.