How to Stop a Fear of Heights Preventing You From Enjoying Amazing Experiences

Being afraid of heights to a degree is natural. Of course we are all afraid to some extent of things that can hurt or kill us and it would be foolish not to be.

Being afraid of heights to a degree is natural. Of course we are all afraid to some extent of things that can hurt or kill us and it would be foolish not to be. A fall from a great height can in theory leave you injured or dead and so it's natural, and adaptive from an evolutionary standpoint, to have some aversion to standing on the edge of huge buildings on one foot.

However for some people this fear can be rather more excessive to the point where it stops them enjoying any activity that involves heights in any capacity. This is a real shame when you consider just how many amazing activities and experiences rely on heights from hot air balloons, to climbs to the tops of famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower to bungee jumping.

In short, if you're too afraid of heights then you'll struggle to enjoy some of the more breath taking moments life has to offer and you'll also probably have difficulty with some of the more basic aspects of day-to-day life such as taking the lift or getting on a plane. Here then we will look at some ways you can prevent these fears from getting the better of you.

Learn Relaxation Techniques

A fear of heights is a form of anxiety and that means that it can cause an increased heart rate and a range of other symptoms. These of course don't help and instead only serve to wind you up more, so learning to control these symptoms is important. Using breathing techniques and visualization it's possible to lower your heart rate so that you are at least not as worked up.

Take Medication

If you are deathly afraid of flying, then using the right medication prior to your flight can help a great deal. Whether this is anxiety medication or a sleeping tablet it can help you to stay more relaxed until the ordeal is over - though of course it's not ideal to end up reliant on these techniques.

Build Up

If you aren't ready to subject yourself to heights in a big way yet, then you might be better off starting small and working your way up. For instance then, this could mean that you try going to the top of just a small building to begin with and spend some time up there until you get comfortable, or that you try going on a big wheel or the like. Gradually you can get higher and higher until you're tackling the kinds of heights that would have once really scared you. Facing your fears in pleasant and controlled situations can also be a good way to make them less scary - try going on a hot air balloon ride for instance.


CBT stands for cognitive behavioural therapy and is a form of psychology that involves looking at the thought processes behind your beliefs and behaviours and then changing them to be more adaptive. This can be very effective in tech you not to fear heights and is certainly worth giving a try.

A hot air experience is a great way to experience heights in a gentle and controlled context. Click here to give it a go!

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