What A Top London Digital Agency Can Really Do For You

A top ecommerce digital agency offers a lot more to your business than simply designing your website.

Another day, another platform

The Managing Director of a top digital agency in London was quoted the other week as having stated that he hates to go away on holiday as even after two weeks he knows that there will have been yet another big development on the internet. The truth is; he is both right and wrong. Every day, there are new developments on-line and if a week is a long time in politics it is an age on the internet. It is the job of an e-commerce agency in London to keep up to speed with everything that may affect the internet marketing of its clients’ businesses but it is impossible to keep abreast of every single innovation, for one simple reason: the internet is global. The Managing Director is right to be concerned, interested by what goes on on-line, because that is his business, but he is also wrong to consider that every change, every new development, every new whim by Google, should have his agency scuttling around to make sense of it.

It is quite easy to believe that Google rules the world but there are people behind that organisation, which, by the way, would not exist if the power goes out. If there is a power cut, people’s houses do not disappear; but Google does. If there is a power cut the food on your table doesn’t disappear; but Google does. If there is a power cut, your car is still outside your house, but Google cannot be found. The point is that people cannot live by Google alone although many feel that they cannot exist if they are not On-line. That feeling of panic when a server goes down is felt by everyone who relies on the internet to survive but if a business is going to thrive in 2012, internet marketing should be handled by those people who make it their business to seek out the best routes to driving traffic and custom to an E-commerce website.

A digital agency London will want its clients to focus on creating the best products or services they can and to enable the internet marketing experts within the E-commerce agency to battle through the latest innovations on their behalf. There has never been a time when so many people have had to absorb so many technical innovations that have a direct impact on their lives. The lesson that we all have to learn is that human nature doesn’t really change and that if the Managing Director of a digital agency London wants to take a couple of weeks off, somewhere in the virtual world people will have created something new, such as Google+, but what won’t have changed is the nature of the humans that use the internet.

Nobody wants to be a Luddite, no digital E-commerce marketing expert wants to be ignorant of the latest innovation; but to function well, to not chase virtual tails, it is important for all that live by the internet to appreciate that behind every innovation is just another human mind. It doesn’t mean that internet marketing isn’t crucial to On-line success – it is – but it is also important to retain a calm approach, to not feel rising panic when a clever mind across the world comes up with a brilliant idea. We do live in a global village and it must be remembered that for every brilliant idea for making money On-line, there are a hundred lousy ones. The trick is, not to spend precious time chasing ideas that will eventually wither on the virtual vine. In other words, we must all keep a sense of proportion.

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