Top Faux-Pas to Avoid When Developing a Website

Successful web development is the first step to creating a presence on the World Wide Web

Successful web development is the first step to creating a presence on the World Wide Web. Your website is an important component of your branding and marketing efforts. When visitors land on your website, you want to ensure that they have a seamless experience, and get the information they have come to learn. Your website must also be able to convert them into customers, thereby adding to the success of your business module. To get the most out of the digital space, it is always a wise decision to go with a web development agency who will keep all the nuances in mind that goes into a successful website design. But as a client, you too must be aware of the rookie mistakes that go into web design. Here are some of them to avoid like the plague.

1.       Setting unreal deadlines while ignore quality of output

Let’s face it. Anything foolproof, error-proof and high in quality takes time to create, especially if you're creating it from scratch. Any web development agency will start at the grassroots level, by identifying your goals, setting parameters to achieve them, researching your target audience and more. All this is a time-consuming process. While it is important to stay on schedule, it is even more important to set realistic timelines to ensure that the quality of the product that is delivered to you does not suffer in the process. 

2.       Making the design flashy

Your primary focus should not be a flashy, gimmicky web design but rather on the marketing strategies of your website. A good web design should be focussed on directing users to the right place once they reach your homepage. Over-the-top web designs tend to take focus away from your product, business or service.

3.       No apparent call-to-action

One of the most vital components of any good web design is its calls-to-action. These links determine what you want your users to do once they have reached your website. Your users like to be led in a certain manner, to purchase a product or service, subscribe for a newsletter or contact you for more information. Calls-to-action determine how efficiently you have managed to convince your consumer to build a relationship or interact with your business. Not only is it important that calls-to-action are present on your website, it is also vital where they are placed, how they appear, what colour the links are, what font is used. What seem like tiny details can actually make or break the effectiveness of your web design.

4.       Irrelevant content

Engaging, informative and relevant content is paramount when creating a web design. If your content is staid, out-of-date and not engaging enough to capture a user’s attention, they will hit the ‘close’ button and that’ll be the end of your website for them. Consumers are quick to judge you and if they see content on your website that is not carefully planned, they will assume that you aren’t innovative enough to stay ahead of your competition.

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