Male Yeast Infection

Many people today are looking for ways to take care of their health without using medications that may have harmful side affects. A common health concern faced by both women and men is a condition called a yeast infection. This article discusses both female and male yeast infection. Several home remedies that work for both women and men are presented as well.

Many people today are looking for ways to take care of their health without using medications that may have harmful side affects. A common health concern faced by both women and men is a condition called a yeast infection. This article discusses both female and male yeast infection. Several home remedies that work for both women and men are presented as well.

A yeast infection can affect any exposed surface of the body, however the most common ailment for women is the vaginal yeast infection. A vaginal yeast infection is irritation of the surface of the vagina and the area around it. In the US it is estimated that three out of every four women will get a yeast infection at least once in their lifetime. And almost half of women experience two or more vaginal yeast infections. While a vaginal yeast infection may be accompanied by a bacterial infection, the yeast infection itself is actually a matter of yeast or fungus overgrowth rather than a true infection. The same is true for male yeast infection. The yeast organism normally exists in small quantities on and in the human body. However, when health is compromised, the yeast organisms can grow out of the normal balance and cause an itchy, red, irritation on the skin or other sensitive surfaces.

Because a rash can also be caused by more serious conditions, it is important to carefully identify your condition before assuming it is a yeast infection. While you could attempt to self-diagnose using a yeast infection pictures found on-line, if there is any doubt, it is best to see a licensed health professional. The common symptoms and even the yeast infection pictures can easily be confused with other, more serious, conditions.

Yeast infection is caused by overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. Small amounts of yeast are normally present in the vagina, but when too much yeast grows, you can get an infection. When a person takes antibiotics it can sometimes kill off so much of the normal friendly bacteria and flora in your body that the ever present yeast fungus has much less competition and grows out of its normal balance. A weakened immune system, pregnancy, diabetes or illness can also contribute.

What about male yeast infection? About one out of eight men that have unprotected intercourse with an infected woman get an itchy rash on the penis. If this happens, he should see a doctor. Men who have not been circumcised have a higher risk of male yeast infection. Check on-line for yeast infection pictures for males.

Yeast infections can be treated successfully in a variety of ways. Topical creams, vaginal suppositories, or a combination of these are the most common. In most cases three days to a week may be needed to clear up the infection. If your partner develops a male yeast infection, he may be also treated with an antifungal cream.

There are also a variety of home remedies which may be effective in treating a yeast infection. These may not have been scientifically tested so they should be used at your own discretion. When in doubt, check with a physician or medical practitioner.

Because a yeast infection is an imbalance of the naturally occurring “friendly” micro-organisms in your body, a fundamental strategy is to regain balance. Eating yogurt containing acidophilus cultures is a great way to restore this balance. Yogurt may safely be applied directly to the affected areas to sooth the itching and increase cultures to balance the yeast overgrowth.

For those who are allergic to dairy products or lactose intolerant, a good alternative to yogurt is acidophilus supplements. Also known as probiotics, these are available on-line or at local stores in either tablets, capsules, or liquids.

Using any of these home remedies, you can safely and effectively treat vaginal yeast infection or male yeast infection and help prevent it from reoccurring.

Home Remedies Yeast Infection provides up-to-date information on effective home remedies for yeast infection. Here you can find the helpful articles on yeast infection symptoms, causes, and treatments for both female and male yeast infection with drawings and yeast infection pictures. Home treatment of yeast infection is easy to do and much less expensive than commercially sold preparations.

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