Welcome To The Wonderful World of Veneers

Has your smile never looked so bad? Even the most expensive teeth whitening products have no effect on your faded fangs. Perhaps you should be looking elsewhere for a possible solution to your dental dilemma. There are several options available to you

Has your smile never looked so bad? Even the most expensive teeth whitening products have no effect on your faded fangs. Perhaps you should be looking elsewhere for a possible solution to your dental dilemma. There are several options available to you:

•    Dentures
•    Veneers

The first option will be more painful; if you need a denture fitted to replace your less than perfect tooth; it will need to be removed. On the other hand; the second option is far less of an ordeal.

What Are They?

Dental veneers are ultra thin laminates that are usually made from a type of ceramic, and occasionally from porcelain. These veneers are cemented to your tooth's surface in order to upgrade the way it looks.

What Are Their Uses?

As well as improving the aesthetics of your smile; veneers can also fill in the gaps between your teeth. They can be used to repair a small tooth chip or a badly decayed one. If your teeth are crooked; veneers can also be applied in a way that aligns your smile nicely.

What Types?

As we touched on briefly before; veneers are usually made from either porcelain or composite. Composite are the inexpensive option when it comes to choosing your veneer material. Porcelain is the most popular veneer choice. It is more durable than composite and it has a more natural appearance in comparison. The cheaper product will tend to stain more easily and as a result will need replacement more often. Sometimes the more expensive option is not actually more costly over time. Composite veneers are the better choice when it comes to repairing smaller chips in your teeth; they preserve more of the tooth's original structure.

The Procedure

Firstly,  you should make an appointment to see your local dentist and ask him every question that you have thought about. He will also ask for some details and preferences in order to ascertain the next step for both of you. At this time you start you understand the ins and outs of the veneer procedure and how it will affect you. The cost will be calculated and you will have a chance to accept or refuse the whole idea before it is too late. After you have decided to commence you will see the dentist at an agreed time to start the ball rolling.

More Procedures

Your second visit will be more involved; first the dentist will change the surface and shape of your teeth using delicate dental tools. Thankfully he will apply anesthetic first, so this will be a painless exercise. After the surface preparation he will take a mould of your teeth using special dental putty. This will be the base for your new veneer's production. He will also apply some temporary veneers for you to wear while the permanent ones are being made. The veneer production will take about three weeks to complete.


On your return trip, you will be fitted with the new veneers; the dentist will use a special glue to ensure that they do not come loose. After trimming the edges and curing the cement; the dentist will send you on your way. All that remains to do is to go and find a photo opportunity to show off your new smile!

If your teeth are decaying and do not look good, then you can choose to get dental porcelain veneers for better texture of the teeth. Click here to know more.

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