Blepharoplasty Treatment In Mumbai

Dr. Debraj Shome is the perfect expert you can consult today to understand the procedure costs.

Factors to consider before signing up for eyelid surgery procedure

It is common for the skin around your eyelids to sag as you get older. This is often accompanied by wrinkles that in most cases reduce your facial appeal. While aging is a natural procedure, maintaining a smooth skin and beautiful appearance is also a priority for many people today. This is why The Esthetic Clinics in Mumbai, India, offers blepharoplasty procedure services to those that seek it. Dr. Debraj Shome is the perfect expert you can consult today to understand the procedure costs, what it entails and whether or not you are the right candidate for the same. Check out some of the few factors you must deliberate on before signing up to undergo a blepharoplasty treatment in Mumbai today.


Do you qualify for the procedure?

Make sure you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. This can only be ascertained by a physical examination and consultation with a certified blepharoplasty surgeon near you. An ideal candidate is the one who is generally in good health, non-smoker, and has realistic expectations about the outcomes of the surgery. Blepharoplasty can address certain cosmetic concerns, but it's up you to have realistic expectations and understand that the procedure may not completely change your appearance.

In-depth consultation with a Certified Plastic Surgeon

After ascertaining your candidacy for the procedure, you must schedule a consultation with a qualified and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon. Ensure that they are properly trained, experienced and specialized in eyelid surgery mostly.  You can then use the chance to discuss your concerns, medical history, and desired outcomes. Once they evaluate your eyelid anatomy, skin condition, and overall health to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure, it is also their duty to walk you through the procedure assuring you in every stage of the same.

Recovery, Risks and Complications

Recovery can vary from person to person, but you may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort for several days to weeks. Make plans in advance to take time off work and limit your activities during the initial healing phase. This for many people means finding a personal assistant that can handle the basic household tasks for the few days or weeks that you will be incapacitated. There are also potential risks and complications associated with blepharoplasty that you must be made aware of. Though the complications are rare, they can occur and the side effects may include bleeding, infection, scarring, temporary or permanent changes in vision, or dissatisfaction with the results.

Blepharoplasty surgery Cost in Mumbai

Have you assessed the general blepharoplasty procedure costs? Consider the cost of the procedure, including surgeon's fees, anesthesia, facility fees, and any post-operative care. For affordability, research how different clinics charge for this procedure and whether or not the expenses can be factored in to your health insurance cover. This procedure is however not covered by insurance, so you may have to financially prepare for the expenses.

Alternative Treatments

Explore non-surgical or less invasive alternatives for addressing your concerns. In some cases, treatments like injectables, laser therapies, or dermal fillers may be more suitable for achieving your desired results.

Underlying Eye Conditions

If you have pre-existing eye conditions, such as dry eye syndrome or glaucoma, discuss them with your surgeon. Certain eye conditions may affect your candidacy for blepharoplasty. It is not always that underlying medical condition motivates one for an eyelid surgery. You can also have your own personal reasons for wanting blepharoplasty. Ensure that you are undergoing the surgery for yourself and not to meet someone else's expectations or due to external pressure. In any case your doctor should be aware of the goals you seek to achieve by undergoing the procedure for even better results.

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