Foods That Help To Control Diabetes

Diabetes control food

Foods that help to control diabetes

For diabetic patients, there is always a conundrum in their minds what to consume and what not to. Many diabetes patients depend on insulin and are seen to neglect a proper diet planning for which their dependency on medicines increases. If you are a diabetes patient, you should try to understand that diabetic health largely depends on the food intake, whether you are consuming the right kind of food in a proper balance or not. It is well established from several researches that eating the right kind of food in a proper amount can control type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and can even halt prediabetes before it turns into type-2.

Below, we will be discussing what kind of eatables, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian that can be consumed by diabetic people to minimize the dependency on medicines and lowering the risks of diabetes related other complications.

  1. Vegetarian items fit for consumption:  It is beneficial to include large portions of green leafy vegetables which may be taken raw or boiled. These help in many different ways. First of all, they contain plenty of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which make us experience freshness and hydration after consumption. Secondly, they help us to fill up our stomach satiating your hunger and abating the urge to intake too much in main course.

Some items fit for raw consumptions are: 

  • Broccoli
  • Mustard greens
  • Asparagus
  • Green beans
  • Peas
  • Coriander
  • Mint
  • Onions

Fruits: The misconception that fruit intake increases blood sugar levels drastically is ubiquitous. That is why we should understand about Glycemic Index (GI). In simple language, GI is the measure of how quickly an eatable makes your blood sugar (glucose) level rise. So, low GI foods increase your glucose level slowly whereas high GI foods do it quickly. This explains why high GI foods should be avoided or your diabetes will become uncontrollable. 

All fruits do not have high GIs. Those fruits can be consumed without any apprehension by diabetic people. Some low GI fruit examples are listed below:

  • All berries
  • Apples
  • Tomatoes
  • Cherries
  • Peaches
  • Grapes 

Few other common fruits like bananas, jackfruits, pineapples can be consumed in moderation as these fruits have medium GIs. Over consumption of these medium GI fruits may lead to increased blood sugar levels. 

Whole grains and dairy products: Simple carbohydrates break down fast unlike whole grains. Therefore, whole grains should be preferred to other simple carbs like white bread. Brown/wild rice, oats, corn, barley etc. are preferable.

Some researchers suggest that dairy products can also help to stimulate insulin secretions in some type-2 diabetes mellitus patients. However, one should carefully measure the intake amount and should always use skimmed/low-fat milk and plain yoghurt.

  1. Non-vegetarian foods: Fatty fishes like Salmon are prescribed for diabetic people because they contain a handsome amount of essential amino acids like DHA and EPA. Several studies show that DHA is anti-diabetic and reduces fasting blood sugar. 

Red meats like beef and mutton are to be kept aside and not to be consumed even in moderation. Studies show that especially the iron present in red meats is responsible for increased insulin resistance in the pancreas.

Boneless chicken can be consumed in moderation along with above-mentioned fatty fishes. 

Apart from that you can take ayurvedic diabetes control medicines. However, we would suggest that you consult with your doctor once.  Liwo’s Chini Mukti capsules helps in Type-2 Diabetes cases however its may be helpful in Type-1 diabetes as well if you use it for long term. It is a safe & effective Alternative that helps in managing Blood Sugar Level Naturally.

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