5 Uses And Benefits Of Organic Mustard Oil

Know about the benefits of Organic Mustard oil and why this oil should be a part of your daily diet.

Mustard Oil — The Oil With Unlimited Benefits

Cooking oils are an essential part of the Indian way of life. One of the oils that is used extensively in the Indian kitchen is Mustard Oil. This oil, extracted from mustard seeds, has a distinct nutty flavour, and a pungent aroma. In Indian cooking conditions, which primarily involve deep frying, mustard oil outperforms refined and other oils in terms of overall health benefits.
Listed below are 5 benefits of Organic Mustard oil and why this oil should be a part of your daily diet.

Promotes Heart Health

Including mustard oil in your regular diet may be beneficial to your heart health. Mustard oil contains a high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. These two fatty acids, when combined, can lower the risk of heart disease and are also known to have cholesterol-lowering and lipid-lowering properties.

Protects Against Infections

Mustard oil has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. Its external and internal use is said to help in the fight against infections, including digestive tract infections.

Good for Skin

Mustard oil is rich in vitamin E, an important nutrient for the skin. When applied to the skin, it is said to reduce fine lines and wrinkles while also acting as a sunscreen. Regular application of mustard oil unclogs your pores and protects your skin from radical damage caused by ultraviolet rays and pollution.

Promotes Hair Growth

Mustard oil contains beta-carotene and Omega-3 fatty acids which promotes hair growth when massaged onto the scalp. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it improves your blood circulation and prevents scalp infection.

Eases Joint Pain

Regular consumption of mustard oil can help in maintaining strong bones, joints and muscles as it is a good source of potassium and calcium. Massaging mustard oil onto the skin helps stimulate blood flow in the veins and reduces pain in muscles and joints. Moreover, mustard oil can also help with the inflammation in these areas, bringing you a ton of relief.

Bottom Line

Including pure, unadulterated, Organic Mustard Oil in your regular cooking can result in healthy skin, hair, and heart, and is therefore valued in traditional cultures for its many benefits. To live up to its motto of healthy conscious living, Organic Tattva’s certified Organic Mustard Oil combines the natural benefits of mustard with the highest quality ingredients. You can buy a bottle of Organic Tattva Organic Mustard Oil at any leading supermarket or e-commerce store.

Source Link - https://organictattvafoods.medium.com/5-uses-and-benefits-of-organic-mustard-oil-76309d167b3

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