Factors That Influence How Much Power Does A 6.6k Solar System Produce?

The more shade cast your 6.6Kw Solar Geelong the less energy will be generated.

The amount of 6.6k solar power system produces depends on the area where you live. If you are living in a region with enough spread of sunlight, then your system will produce current at the expected capacity. However, if you live in a region with a few hours of sun in a day, your system will not produce the quantity you expect. The fierceness of sunshine varies as the day progresses. The more intense the sun rays hit your panel, the more power will be generated. The typical 6.6k solar power system can produce energy up to 8760 kWh, approximately 5 hours of peak sun every day. This power is sufficient for everyday household activities. Some of the main factors for the solar output include,


The area of location matters when it comes to the 6.6k solar power system. When you are living in an area with limited sunshine your system will not produce as much power as compared to sunnier spots. For example, the 6.6k watt system in Melbourne produces 21 Kwh while the same system will produce 27.36Kwh in Brisbane.

Angle And Orientation Of Roof

Most solar panels are installed on the top of the roof. But before installing solar panels you must take some inspections. Professionals or installers will check for the angle of the roof to allow the high production of power in solar panels. For ideal productivity, the roof steepness should be between 20 and 30 degrees. Additionally installing solar panels on a north-facing roof ensures maximum production of energy. A professional installer will check on the aspects of the roof before installing the solar panels to confirm that they provide maximum output.

Quality Of Solar Panel System

There are plenty of solar power panel manufacturers in the market. Each of them uses different technology to produce their panels. As a result, the solar panels obtainable in the market differ in quality. High-quality solar panels produce power as per their rated capacity. On the other hand, low-quality solar panels have minimum productivity levels. So before purchasing solar panels make sure the brand and quality of the solar panels are available in the market.

Age Of The System

Older solar systems will not have much efficiency in producing electric power when compared to newer technology over the period. If you have an older system, you should consider upgrading it so that you can get the most out of your solar power panel system.


The type of inverter you use also matters when it comes to how much power your system produces. Some inverters are more efficient than others, meaning they will convert more of the solar energy into usable electricity. If your inventor is below 95% efficient then you can identify the drop in power generation.


How well do you care for your solar power system? If you don't maintain it the production of power will be less than what is possible. Low voltage and high friction can lessen the energy your panels produce. All you need to do is, remove the dirt and debris from the panels whenever you find them. You can also clean them with water, while solar panels are free from cording, rust formation, and shock.


Keep your solar panels away from the shades of trees and buildings while it will affect the production of electricity. The more shade cast your 6.6Kw Solar Geelong the less energy will be generated. If possible, you can trim the branches of trees that are shading your solar panels.

Last Few Lines

Electric current is a non-renewable source of energy, so it is necessary to save them in all possible ways. However, solar power is the renewable and budget-friendly choice to produce an electric current. All you need to do is find the best company like Cygnus energy to invest in the 6.6Kw Solar power system to enjoy free electric power for decades.

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