Event Staff and their Roles

There are many tasks to be undertaken and services to be provided during an event.

There are many tasks to be undertaken and services to be provided during an event. The identification, training and management of specific groups to undertake these tasks is the responsibility of the event organizing firms. To manage the operational aspects of the event the firm should establish an event management team.

The presence of well trained, courteous and knowledgeable event staff is an influencing factor for managing an event. They assist in preventing frustration and anger which can lead to severe problems of crowd control.

The event staff organizes and manages the complete event. Various personnel are appointed to positions undertaking different tasks. The event controller, safety officer, chief stewards, medical manager and workforce are the key people involved with the management of safety at an event.

Event controller is the chief regulator of every activity. He takes the full responsibility for all the matters relating to operation of the event. Ensuring the event is staffed by a sufficient number of workforce; ensuring that adequate safety measures are in place and confirming effective control, communication and co-ordination systems are some of the duties of event controller.

Safety officer is one of the vital event staff. Safety officer is appointed for the overall safety of the venue. They are involved from the initial planning to the final live show. It is the responsibility of the safety officers to supervise and track that all fire points, emergency evacuation gates are functioning properly. Safety officer takes into consideration that the stage area has proper fencing and barricades so that the crowd doesn’t barge in.

Chief Stewards are the eyes and ears of the event management team. They supervise the workforce deployed at the venue. Ushers, ticket checkers and guards are some of the crew members that work under Chief Steward. The workforce is provided with readily identifiable yellow jackets. As the yellow color dress code helps in easy identification of the workforce in massive crowds. The workforce is trained and instructed by the Chief Stewards. Numerous drills are practiced to analyze every situation during any event. They are trained to manage massive gatherings and to track any drug or alcohol abuse.

Medical Manager ensures that expert first aid providers are present and for severe emergencies medical and ambulance facilities are present. All of the staff members wear the yellow jackets for quick accessibility to the audience in case of emergencies.

Event staff works unanimously to attain a perfect show. The hard work of every staff member from top officials to ushers and guards results in a mesmeric event.

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