Advantages Of Dynamic Smart Ad Serving

Like anything, there are some definite pros and cons that come with placing ads on your website.

The ability to make extra money is certainly high on the list of pros. As far as the negatives go, one of the biggest issues that publishers face is displaying ads that are relevant and timely. It can be nearly impossible to stay on top of every ad on your site, which is why smart and dynamic ad serving is proving to be popular with a growing number of publishers. Let’s take a close look at some of the applications that you can enjoy when you make your ads smarter:


Landing on a website and seeing ads for a local water park when you are stuck in your fourth straight day of rain probably will not be interesting at all. With dynamic ads, weather related information and ads can be served to your website visitors based on the weather at their location. During the warmer months, you might see ads for a local water park or ice cream shop, while advertisement for indoor activities will be displayed when the local weather turns a little drearier.

Local Events

Ads are not just about selling stuff to your website visitors, they should also be informative. This is especially true if you are catering to a local audience. You want to feel as though you are part of the community and stay updated on the latest events, which is why dynamic ads that display local events are such a good idea. Keeping on top of what is happening around town and letting people know about it helps establish trust with the people you are serving.


There are a lot of websites devoted to keeping people up to date with that is going on in the world, as well as in the local community. The need to stay informed has grown dramatically in the mobile device era, which is why it is such a good idea to make your website part of the solution. With dynamic ads, you can serve breaking news, as well as important information such as stock market prices and movements.

Advertiser’s Inventory

Everyone loves a bargain, but they hate to find out about a sale or promotion after the fact. Have your ever come across a great coupon or flyer, only to find that it is outdated and of no use to you? If you know how annoying it can be, make sure to serve ads that show current sales and promotions for in-stock items. Initial integration with third-party back-end systems might be more intensive but it makes for a more effective long-term ad campaign.

Known data about the viewer

Dynamic ads cater to the viewer by taking several factors into account before serving ads. They will take things like preferences, demographics, and viewing or purchasing history into account before making or delivering the ad. For the viewer, it feels as though the ads have been created just for them, which might make them more likely to click the ad and make a purchase when they are on the advertiser website. However, there is a line between relevance and creepiness or even unethical so make sure you balance ad customizations and only use suitable data and obtain all necessary consents.

AdSpeed ad server is a reliable & powerful ad serving and ad management solution that serves your ads, tracks impressions & clicks and reports ad statistics in real-time. Driven by the latest ad serving technologies, the goal of Adspeed adserver is to provide a reliable platform that can help in executing online advertising strategy more efficiently.

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